Saturday, 15 January 2011

Course Completion Certificate arrived today

So that’s more or less it – just need to get everything in order for the assessment now. I’m going to continue adding to this blog from time to time, but if you want to continue following my progress you might want to catch me here, or by following the People and Place button above.


  1. Congrats on finishing this one, I have looked at the postings regularly as I work through my DPP. I just posted off my P&P for submission this week and just completed my 3rd assignment on DPP so have PWDP almost in my sights.

  2. Thanks Duncan. Am struggling to get going on People and Place - perhaps a bit because I'm fairly solitary so lack obvious subjects.

    Need to get my act in gear on submission for assessment this time around as well. That's top of my to do list for the weekend.
